Free CV Review

Our expert Australian recruiters will review
your CV
, identify your strengths, and help
you stand out to hiring managers — so you
can start landing more interviews.

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Based on 98 reviews

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How the review works
What can you expect from getting your CV reviewed?
Resume Layout 1
We analyze each section of your CV, and highlight its strengths and areas for improvement.
Resume Layout 2
Next, we assess the roles you’re applying for, and let you know how you compare against other applicants.
Resume Layout 3
Finally, you’ll receive bonus tips and strategies to boost your interview call up rate.
Customer Testimonials
Here’s what clients think of us
Landed 5 interviews in the past month with my new CV, despite COVID! My writer knew what HR/Recruiters are looking for, and their Best Practices. She reflected the best of my work experience in my CV, and alleviated any concerns I had. Highly recommend – 5 stars for sure!!”
Jonny Lee
Jonny Lee
Performance Director
“My writer was very thorough. We figured out my strengths and was able to articulate them in a way I wouldn’t be able to myself. Highly recommend – paying to get your cv professionally done is well worth the money!
Joel Vos
Joel Vos
Exploration Geologist
CVExpert helped me secure my current role in a competitive industry. I have spent a lot of time on my resume over the years but I can confidently say it is now so much better. Money very well spent!”
Jen Vecchio
Jen Vecchio
Cybersecurity Manager

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