How Long Should a Resume Be to Get The Job

June 14, 2024

how long should a resume be

One common dilemma job seekers face is determining the ideal length of their resumes.

Should it be a concise one-pager, or is a more extensive two-page document acceptable?

Let’s explore the question of how long should a resume be to maximize your chances of getting the job.

We will also discuss what you can exclude from your resume to make it more concise without sacrificing quality.

How Many Pages Should a Resume Be?

The ideal length of a resume is a topic that has sparked many debates among job seekers and hiring professionals.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, several factors should guide your decision on the length of your resume.

1. Years of Experience

Less than Five Years: If you have relatively little professional experience, typically less than five years, a one-page resume is generally recommended. In this early stage of your career, you may need more substantial achievements or skills to justify a longer document.

Five or More Years: As your career progresses and you accumulate more experience, it may become necessary to expand your resume to two pages. You’ll likely have more accomplishments, skills, and roles to highlight, and a two-page format can help you provide a comprehensive overview of your qualifications.

So if you have a lot of relevant experience, a two page resume is acceptable such as this sales manager resume sample here.

2. Industry Standards

Creative Fields: Industries like graphic design, advertising, or multimedia often encourage more visual and extended resumes. These fields value creativity and innovation, so showcasing your design skills and creativity in a resume can be an advantage. It’s important to balance creativity with professionalism.

Traditional Industries: Conversely, conventional industries like finance, law, or banking generally prefer shorter, more traditional resumes. In these sectors, a concise and structured one-page resume is often the standard. Overly lengthy or visually extravagant resumes may not be well-received.

3. Relevance

Regardless of your years of experience, your resume should always focus on relevance to the job you’re applying for.

Suppose you have a lot of experience, but a significant portion of it is unrelated to the position at hand.

In that case, it’s best to trim your resume down to include only the most relevant and recent information. This ensures that the hiring manager can quickly identify your qualifications for the specific job.

4. Clarity

A cluttered and overly lengthy resume can be a hindrance to hiring managers. Your resume should be clear, concise, and easy to read.

Hiring managers often spend only a brief amount of time reviewing each resume, so it’s important to make an impact quickly.

If you can effectively convey all the necessary information in one page without sacrificing clarity, that’s an achievement.

The use of bullet points, clear headings, and a well-organized layout can make your resume more readable.

Are Two Pages Resumes Ideal?

Two-page resumes are generally acceptable for candidates with significant work experience or specific roles that require in-depth descriptions of achievements, skills, and responsibilities.

According to Peter Yang, CEO of Resume Writing Services, “In many cases, strong candidates, who do have more experience, write two-page resumes, so hiring managers may have developed a subconscious link between strong candidates and longer resumes.”

Here are some situations where a two-page resume may be ideal:

1. Extensive Experience

Candidates with more than ten years of relevant work experience often find it challenging to condense their career history onto a single page.

A two-page resume is ideal in such cases as it allows you to provide a comprehensive overview of your professional journey.

This additional space enables you to showcase the progression of your career, highlighting various roles, accomplishments, and skills developed over the years.

Experienced professionals need to present their qualifications in a detailed manner to impress potential employers.

2. Technical Proficiency

Jobs in technical fields, such as IT, engineering, or healthcare, often require candidates to demonstrate specific technical skills, certifications, and training.

A two-page resume can be advantageous in these instances because it provides the necessary space to list these qualifications.

You can include detailed descriptions of your technical proficiencies, certifications earned, and specialized training, which can make you a more appealing candidate in roles that demand expertise in particular tools or technologies.

3. Leadership Roles

If you’ve held leadership positions, such as managerial or executive roles, a two-page resume is a practical choice.

For example, this HR manager resume has two pages, these roles often involve a multitude of achievements, responsibilities, and accomplishments that need to be highlighted.

A two-page format allows you to delve into the specifics of your leadership experiences, demonstrating your ability to lead teams, make strategic decisions, and drive organizational success.

This detailed approach can be particularly persuasive when applying for leadership positions.

4. Publications and Projects

In academic, research, or creative fields, professionals may be involved in numerous publications, research projects, exhibitions, or presentations.

A one-page resume may not provide sufficient space to showcase these accomplishments adequately.

A two-page resume is essential in these scenarios as it allows you to list your publications, describe your research projects, and elaborate on your creative endeavors.

This additional space is crucial for impressing hiring managers who want to see a thorough representation of your contributions in these specialized fields.

However, it’s essential to remember that longer resumes don’t automatically guarantee success.

Recruiters and hiring managers often have limited time to review each application, so a lengthy resume should be filled with meaningful content, not fluff.

how long should a resume be

What to Exclude from Your Resume for a Shorter Length

If you want to keep your resume concise, there are specific elements you can exclude or shorten without compromising the quality and impact of your application.

Here’s what to consider trimming down or removing:

  • Irrelevant Experience: Focus on the most relevant and recent experiences. If you have roles from more than a decade ago that aren’t directly related to your current career goals, consider omitting them.
  • Excessive Details: While it’s vital to showcase your accomplishments, avoid going overboard with excessive details. Stick to the most significant achievements and responsibilities for each role.
  • Old Contact Information: You don’t need to include your full address, especially if you’re applying for jobs in different locations. Simply listing your city and state is sufficient.
  • References: It’s no longer necessary to include “References available upon request” on your resume. Employers will assume you have references if they need them.
  • Hobbies and Personal Information: Unless your hobbies or personal interests directly relate to the job or provide unique insights into your personality, it’s best to omit them to save space.
  • Unrelated Skills: Be selective when listing your skills. Include those that are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. Remove skills that don’t align with the position.
  • Generic Objectives: Modern resumes often skip the traditional career objective statement in favor of a professional summary or profile section. This section should highlight your skills and what you can bring to the company rather than your career goals.
  • Inconsistent Formatting: Maintain a consistent format throughout your resume. Inconsistent fonts, bullet styles, or spacing can make your resume appear cluttered.
  • Overuse of Jargon: While industry-specific terminology is essential, avoid overwhelming your resume with jargon that might be unfamiliar to a general audience. Use it judiciously and provide context when necessary.


The ideal length of a resume varies depending on your experience, industry, and the specific job you’re applying for. There is no universal answer, but the key is to prioritize relevance and clarity.

A one-page resume can be just as effective as a two-page resume if it effectively communicates your qualifications and experiences.

When crafting your resume, focus on tailoring it to the job at hand, including only the most pertinent information and presenting it in a well-organized and visually appealing format.

Get more cv writing tips and you’ll maximize your chances of catching the attention of hiring managers and securing that coveted job interview.

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